We have now moved to South Somerset and are enjoying a more rural pace of life.
Unfortunately due to the 2 hour plus travelling time each way we have now stopped trading in Lymington, Christchurch and Winchester as the distance is just too far and Doug needs his beauty sleep more and more these days.
We would like to say thank you to all the lovely customers, fellow traders, market and show organisers we met over the past 6 years whilst running our business in Hampshire. We met lots of lovely people who we certainly won’t forget.
If you’re in the South Somerset area and want to come and pay us a visit at one of our new market or show locations go to the Events and Markets page to see where and when we are trading.
Shows in Hampshire are still going to be a big part of our trading year and we will continue to attend the Garden Shows at Stansted House and Broadlands, The New Forest Show and The Sturminster Cheese Festival in Dorset, plus some more nearer home in Somerset, so watch this space!
Thank you all once again for your support and custom.
Sally and Doug (not forgetting Daisy)